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About Me

Where to start with my about me page, perhaps at the beginning in a Facebook style ‘Born: January 24th 1984′ or is that a little too far. I went off to see if I have an appropriate photograph of myself for this about me page and ended up making a collage instead that I think sums me up as a writer.


No prizes for guessing I was a student at the University of East London where I studied Journalism, what you probably didn’t guess is that I studied Advertising and Multimedia Visual Design also. Rather unsurprisingly I also enjoy travelling, what student doesn’t, I’ve been lucky enough to have travelled to most states in america and several european countries also.

I was given that David Bowie Heathen guest pass on the bus home from the Hammersmith Apollo show by a ‘real’ journalist who let me keep it because I asked so nicely: and persistently. He wasn’t so fussed because I was a geeky super fan and he gets these things all the time, which I found amazing, when I grew up I was going to be a journalist too.

As it happens I am still on my way to growing up and over a decade later I still want to be a ‘real’ journalist when I do, although I figured out it’s not all backstage passes and after show parties so perhaps I’m closer to growing up then previously thought.

My first dive head first into journalism was a stage one, as I started writing gig and show reviews for my own little E-Zine online that grew over time, right at the turn of the social media era. We boosted our readership with contests and street teams with the help of many small bands we encountered along our travels.

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The rise of the iPod generation in the 10 years since I started my old E-Zine gave me a new found obsession to add to my music one …everything internet. A lot has changed since I was rocking my ridiculously expensive mini sony viao with its huge 15GB hard drive and amazing built in webcam using a vodaphone mobile internet PC card and aireil to receive the internet on the go.

My blog has a lot of nostalgia on it at first I thought it was my age until I realised that actually, it is the age of nostalgia, the iPod generation has moved technology on so fast you no longer have to be old to say “remember when…”

The best way to learn about me as a writer is to read some of my work from each category or you can find out more about my blog

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