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Internet Hit, Fiona O’kane set to release Viral Smash ‘I Can’t Help Myself’

Rising star singer songwriter Fiona O’kane was recently shot to stardom when her Four Tops cover of the 1965 classic, I Can’t help myself, went viral as the theme song to the Durex #Turnoffturnon Earth Day campaign.

The YouTube smash was viewed by over 9 million people who began to wonder who is the voice behind the new rendition of the old Motown classic with vocals compared to Jesse Ware and Ellie Goulding. It was later revealed to be the front-woman of the unsigned pop indie band, Runaway GO, Fiona O’Kane.

The track by Northern Irish singer Fiona was made available to download and stream by music giants iTunes and Spotify amongst others because of it’s massive popularity.

Fiona Said: “I was totally shocked – in a good way! – when I found out how many people have heard the track and seen the video. I get messages from people all over the world telling me they love my version of ‘I Can’t Help Myself’, so it gave me a good insight as to how far it actually went!”

Fiona who has been writing and recording her own music since she was 14 grew up in a musical household playing piano, guitar and finally the ukulele as featured on the acoustic track ‘I Can’t Help Myself’ She is inspired by The Beatles, jazz singer Sia and Coldplay.

Runaway Go have already had great touring success supporting the likes of Bastille, Suede and Editors, playing large scale venues “When we played Ulster Hall in Belfast last year, opening for Bastille, the crowd went absolutely nuts. It’s a venue in Belfast I have wanted to play my whole life, so it was a pretty proud moment for me,” says Fiona.

The viral smash ‘I Can’t Help Myself’ is just one of many covers that fiona enjoys the challenge of making her own, with a unique voice and brand of musical talent and is set to be released on September 8th, Fiona’s birthday. The Album ‘Alive’ by Runaway Go will follow in October.

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