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All posts by Catherine Wiltshire

NEHW 2014

Newham fights sight loss for National Eye Health Week

Newham council and several partners including East London vision and health professionals, join together to promote the importance of eye health this week; for National Eye Health Week. Staff from Newham’s Information and Equipment Demonstration Area, based at Chargeable Lane Resource Centre, will be visiting


Customer assault leads to pub licence revoked

Newham councillors last week revoked the licence of the William The Conqueror Public House in Manor Park, after a customer was assaulted and spent three weeks in a coma. Newham’s licensing Sub-Committee removed the licence following an incident in July, which left a man ejected

GCSE results 2014

Newham secondary school pupils get an A* from the council

Newham council have praised the boroughs secondary schools and their pupils on their excellent GCSE examinations successes. Cabinet member for children and young people, Councillor Quintin Peppiatt said: “I am really pleased that we have again seen some excellent individual performances from students in GCSE

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Newham Students get Top Grades

The Mayor of Newham Sir Robin Wales congratulated students on their exceptional A Level results this week, with the number of candidates achieving A* – B grades rising from 36 percent in 2013 to nearly half at 43% for 2014. Newham schools once associated with below

Newham UTS Sister Sledge

The Show must go on ‘Under the Stars’

Around 8000 people came to the opening night of Newham’s free Under the Stars Music extravaganza and the rain did not put a dampener on the festivities at all. The festival held in East Hams central park attracted thousands despite the rain early on in